More About the Process
I truly believe intervention to be a sacred, personal and intimate process and the first step to healing a whole person, family, and possibly generations of families. Watching a loved one suffer is suffering for you too. It's hard to know if you are helping or enabling, holding boundaries or abandoning. If you ask anyone you will get different answers from everyone about what to do. Most people don't know there are professionals who can help and consult with you throughout your addiction treatment process. With an extensive resume of trainings with experts in the field, educational pursuits, supervision and a passion for my work, you can call me for an assessment to see where you can improve the odds of your loved one accepting help. There are many different tried and true methods taught across the country and I have trained with the best in order to be professional, take out the emotional strain, and help you and your family get back to the life you all had before the addiction and often an even more fulfilled life.